Unfolding multi-modernity vis-a-vis a singular category of analysis, Mustafa Zaman, Dep Art Magazine. 21st issue. (Print & Web)
On the edge of the new media and world, Mustafa Zaman, Dep Art Magazine. 22nd issue. (Print & Web)
Gold Award
Curated by Hiromi Inayoshi (Master of Identity design)
(Free theme section) Conqueror Corporate Identity
Design Contest-2010, Japan
Merit Award
Curated by Hiromi Inayoshi (Master of Identity design)
(Set theme section) Conqueror Corporate Identity
Design Contest-2010, Japan
Video Art Exhibition
Curated by Mahbubur Rahman, Britto Art Trust Gallery, Dhaka Art Center (2012)
Painting Exhibition (Group)
Bangladesh National Museum (2007)
CCID Exhibition (Group)
Hiroshima, Japan (2010)
CCID Exhibition (Group)
Bangle Gallery of Fine Arts (2010)